Saturday, July 27, 2019


Change is a big word, because usually when it comes to making changes we struggle with them. You can change small things like what clothes you wear or the way you drive to work, but then there are bigger things like if you want to get married or divorced, if you want to relocate or add another child to your family. Then we have the biggest change of them all which is making changes in ourselves.
It seems to be human nature to please others and so we try to alter things to make someone else happy. In doing this we may make the other person happy, however we will wind up miserable. If the change isn't for yourself will it stick and can you really live with your new self?
I have recently been struggling with the idea that someone can change and when I went to speak to my therapist about this and he asked the question..."Has he really changed if he is still doing the same things." These actions can be justified in the eyes of the person doing them, but at the same time I'm still being hurt by these actions that have not changed at all. How can you believe that someone has changed when they show you nothing but the same behaviors over and over again?
I guess it would be safe to say that they never really changed in the first place and never will. Now the biggest question of all when it comes to making changes: When do I say enough is enough and walk away?

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