Monday, September 8, 2014

What It's About

I started this so people can see who I am from my perspective. Most of the people that I consider friends and family don't know what the reality is. They really don't know me. For those of you who may read this and get offended will know that I don't care that you are offended but I still love you. I am hoping that by writing about me and being raw and public that maybe it will inspire someone but even if it doesn't I have put it out there so I can let it go. There maybe things that repeat you have to bare with me that is just my thought process, but my life doesn't have interesting stories it is an interesting story. So here is what this is about in a few words and again if you know me and you're a Grammar Nazi you will know that I don't care about that either and I'm not sorry. Love to you all and thanks for reading/following.

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